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cellular process
cellular component organization or biogenesis
cellular component organization
external encapsulating structure organization
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
cellular component assembly
cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
cellular anatomical entity morphogenesis
cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
cellular component biogenesis
cellular component assembly
cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
multicellular organismal process
multicellular organism development
gametophyte development
pollen development
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
developmental process
anatomical structure morphogenesis
anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
anatomical structure development
multicellular organism development
gametophyte development
pollen development
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
anatomical structure morphogenesis
anatomical structure formation involved in morphogenesis
cellular component assembly involved in morphogenesis
pollen wall assembly
pollen intine formation
plant structure development stage
plant anatomical entity
obsolete growth and development terms
2.00 main shoot only
3 rapid growth stage
5.02 20% of inflorescence emerged.
5.04 40% of inflorescence emerged
5.06 60% of inflorescence emerged
5.08 80% of inflorescence emerged
6.01 10% of flowers open
6.03 30% of flowers open
6.04 40% of flowers open
7-8 fruit formation and maturation
7.02 fruit size 20%
7.04 fruit size 40%
7.06 fruit size 60%
7.08 fruit size 80%
A1 root initials formation stage
A2 root initials differentiation stage
A2.1 root intials differntiation of primary roots
A2.2 root initials differentiation of lateral roots
A2.3 founder cell derivatives of lateral root
A2.4 root initials differentiation of crown roots
B1 primary root meristem formation
B2 lateral root meristem formation
B3 crown root meristem formation
C3.1 metaxylem differentiation of root.
C3.2 maturation of phloem elements in root.
C3.3 maturation of protoxylem elements in root.
calyx absolute size
calyx relationship
E emerged root elongation
elongation zone formation
embryo development stage
establishment of initial cells
F1 root hair initiation
F2 root hair elongation
formation of starchy endosperm
leaf development stage
meristamtic zone formation
meristem elaboration
obsolete plant growth and development terms
root development stage
root primordium visible
sepals 100% of final size
sepals 50% of final size
specialization zone formation
plant structure development stage
5 post anthesis stage
Poaceae inflorescence visible
plant life cycle phase

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