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cellular process
stomatal movement
plant-type cell wall modification involved in stomatal movement
cell wall organization or biogenesis
cell wall organization
plant-type cell wall organization
plant-type cell wall modification
plant-type cell wall modification involved in multidimensional cell growth
plant-type cell wall loosening
cell wall modification involved in abscission
cell wall modification involved in fruit ripening
plant-type cell wall modification involved in stomatal movement
cell wall modification
plant-type cell wall modification
plant-type cell wall modification involved in multidimensional cell growth
plant-type cell wall loosening
cell wall modification involved in abscission
cell wall modification involved in fruit ripening
plant-type cell wall modification involved in stomatal movement
plant-type cell wall organization or biogenesis
plant-type cell wall organization
plant-type cell wall modification
plant-type cell wall modification involved in multidimensional cell growth
plant-type cell wall loosening
cell wall modification involved in abscission
cell wall modification involved in fruit ripening
plant-type cell wall modification involved in stomatal movement
cellular component organization or biogenesis
cellular component organization
external encapsulating structure organization
cell wall organization
plant-type cell wall organization
plant-type cell wall modification
plant-type cell wall modification involved in multidimensional cell growth
plant-type cell wall loosening
cell wall modification involved in abscission
cell wall modification involved in fruit ripening
plant-type cell wall modification involved in stomatal movement
cell wall modification
plant-type cell wall modification
plant-type cell wall modification involved in multidimensional cell growth
plant-type cell wall loosening
cell wall modification involved in abscission
cell wall modification involved in fruit ripening
plant-type cell wall modification involved in stomatal movement
plant structure development stage
plant anatomical entity

comments or questions to: Bug reports can be sent to SourceForge.